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Diocesan News
Pray this prayer for Bishop Gruss and our Priests who are on retreat this week.
Loving Lord, You invited your apostles to go with you to a deserted place to rest for a while. As Bishop Gruss and the priests of the Diocese of Saginaw leave for their retreat, we ask you to help them experience You as Your apostles did. We pray that the fruit of this retreat will continue to grow and be reflected in each of their ministries during this retreat as well as upon their return.
Diocesan News
A Catholic Approach to Voting in the 2024 Election
Christ calls each person to be a light in the world. As the general election approaches this fall, Catholics can be such a light by putting on the “mind of Christ” before voting. This edition of Focus is intended to help Catholics in Michigan embrace the vocation of a faithful citizen in the 2024 election and beyond.
Diocesan News
John Gonzalez Named Director of Communications for the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw
John has accepted the position of Director of Communications.  John will lead and manage a team within the Communications Office and serve on Bishop Gruss’ Mission Leadership Team to provide direction and coordination for all Diocesan communications and be the diocesan spokesperson handling external communications and media relations.
Great Lakes Bay Catholic
Christ's mission is our mission
Christ’s Mission Appeal supports essential ministries. When looking back on the past fiscal year, it seems it has gone by quickly—yet we have accomplished so much. Every week, we are doing more and serving more people within the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw. When I say “we,” it refers to all of us.
Diocesan News
2024 Election Year Guidelines for Catholic Parishes and Organizations
Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) strongly encourages Catholics to register to vote, become informed on key issues, and participate in elections. The Church does not engage with partisan politics nor does it support or oppose partisan candidates. Rather, the Church and Catholic organizations are allowed and encouraged to discuss issues consistent with Catholic social doctrine.
Diocesan News
Bishop Gruss discusses plan for growing vocations during nationally broadcast interview
On Tuesday, Sept. 10, Bishop Robert Gruss was interviewed on Ave Maria Radio's "Catholic Connection" program. During the interview, Bishop Gruss discussed the three-point plan guiding vocation efforts in the Diocese of Saginaw. Click below to listen to the interview.

National/World News